Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Blizzard of 2010

Snow at last! It finally feels like a real winter here in Tennessee. Daytime temps in the 20s, kids with sleds sliding down the neighborhood hill, and a full weekend without any call. How much better could it really get? I'd say we had a good 4" here in Nashville, though my parent probably had more like 6" or 7" just up the road from us.
Speaking of sleds, we don't have one. This Sabbath morning I improvised with a rope an a laundry basket and took Aeva for wild rides around the back yard. As you can see, however, this particular sled had the unfortunate tendency to dump it passenger out on the right. No worries though. Aeva just smiled each time and said, "Más más."

Aeva has been loving the snow! We can barely force her inside.

It seems that this little one can't get enough of the snow. As much fun as sledding was, she would much rather have sat in one spot on continued to shove more of that crunchy, white, cold stuff into her mouth.